We are a writer-centric project featuring tantalizing smut.
Volume 2, First, is open for preorders! It features a new theme (sexual "firsts"), a new team, and is sliiiiightly more ambitious than the original.
Volume 1, Quirked Connections, centered around the use of superpowers during sex. This anthology was predominately writers, printed in black and white, with no merch. It was a small, simple project that produced high-quality horny.

Subject to change without notice.
Interest Check: Sept. 2nd-21st
All Applications Open: Sept. 28th
Writer Applications Close: Oct. 29th
Writer Results Sent: Nov. 8th
Writer Pitches Finalized: Nov. 15th
Artist Applications Close: Nov. 16th
Artist Results Sent/Artists + Writing Pairings: Nov. 22nd
Check in 1: Dec. 13th-15th Writers have an outline | Artists have a concept of what scenes they are going to draw
Check in 2: Jan 10th-12th Writers have 30% written (750-1200 words) | Artists have a sketch
Check in 3: Feb 7th-9th Writers have 75% written (1900-3000 words) | Artists have completed linework
Artist check in for value blocking: Feb 21st-23rd
Final Fic Submission: Feb. 28th
Betaing/Proofing: March 1st-March 20th
Final Art Submission: March 6th
POs Open: March 20th
POs Close: April 30th
Estimated Shipping: Mid-June
Estimated Leftovers: August
Moderators for First
Mod Yuru: Admin in charge of finances and shipping, as well as general organization and planning. Mod Yuru has previous experience being the finance/shipping mod for zines, as well as professional experience working with printers. Additionally, they have contributed to 20+ zines. Carrd
Mod Flor: Mod in charge of graphics. Mod Flor has previous zine experience in every mod role except art. Carrd
Mod Jabby: Mod in charge of writing. Mod Jabby has previous experience as being the writing and communications mod for zines. Twitter
Mod Rem: Mod in charge of art. Mod Rem has previous experience being the art and production mod for zines. Twitter
Mod Aria: Mod in charge of social media. Mod Aria has previous experience as being the writing and organization mod for zines. Twitter
Previous Moderators for Quirked Connections
Mod Digi: Our graphics and formatting mod in charge of making the zine look fantastic. He has experience being a mod for several zines since 2018, recent zines include the Dragon Kirishima zine, Gunpowder&Cigarettes, For Hearth & Home, and Purrs Ultra. Twitter
Mod Brii: Social media mod in charge of keeping our online presence active! Will primarily be the one checking our CC and helping manage public relations. She has experience being a mod for several zines in other fandoms since 2017, including Intertwined, If You Need Me, and Inseparable. Additionally, has contributed to 5+ zines. Twitter
Mod Grace: Our writing co-mod responsible for helping beta pieces and make sure our contribs have the support to produce excellent pieces. Mod Grace has experience being a beta/editing mod for several zines, along with a few other positions, and has contributed to 8+ zines. She also betas fanfics on a regular basis and has experience proofreading and tutoring on a college level. Twitter
Q: Will you be accepting artists?
A: Yes. We are looking to have black and white illustrations to accompany the stories.
Q: Will you have merch?
A: Yes. We will be creating a small amount of merch to accompany the project.
Q: Which characters are you allowing in the zine?
A: For printing reasons, all characters that appear in the zine will need to be aged up to 18, but currently we have no restrictions other than that.
Q: Is this project for profit?
A: Yes. This is a for-profit project, and all participants will receive a portion of the profits after production costs.
Q: Will contributors receive a copy of the anthology?
A: Yes. Even in the event the project does not break even, all contributors will receive a copy of the anthology.
Q: Are there age restrictions?
A: Yes. You must be 18+ to participate and to purchase. If there is any doubt about a participant's age, they will be asked to provide identification showing they are over 18.
Q: Can you elaborate on your theme?
A: The theme of this anthology is "First Times." This can certainly mean loss of virginity, but also the first time a particular couple has sex, the first time they try out a kink, the first time in a poly relationship, the first time after a long break or separation, etc.
Thank you for considering First Anthology! Below is the criteria we will use for judging apps, as well as information applicants can use to best craft their application.
A note on our theme: The theme of this anthology is "First Times." The project's theme is purposely a little vague. You can interpret "First Times" as loss of virginity certainly, but also the first time a particular couple has sex, the first time they try out a kink, the first time in a poly relationship, the first time topping/bottoming, the first time after a long break or separation, etc. Overall though, the feel we are hoping to achieve is that super sweet, "aww" inducing smut. Very soft, very wholesome, with broad appeal. Pitching ideas that align with this theme, and submitting samples that show you are adept in this style, will help you put your best foot forward.
In order to make sure there are a variety of ships represented in the anthology, we will be limiting the amount of times the same ship can appear to twice (provided pitches are different enough), and the amount of times one character can appear overall in the anthology to three times. For example, at a maximum there can be two works focusing on BakuDeku, and the amount of times Bakugou can be a central character is three times.
We plan on having a total of between 14-16 writers, including guests. This means we will be taking 12-14 writers via applications.
-We are looking for a minimum of 2 writing samples, between 2k-4k each.
-A third sample is optional, but not required.
-Combined wordcount of submitted samples should not exceed 10k words total.
-At least one sample must be NSFW. One must feature BNHA characters.
-Excerpts are allowed, but complete stories are preferred in order to properly judge pacing.
-We will ask for at least 1 pitch, as well as your preferences on what characters/ships you would like to create for.
-Because we are doing blind judging, samples must be submitted via google docs, with no identifying information. This means your public handle cannot appear in the title or body text.
-No AO3, wattpad, twitter, or other links connected to your public handle.
-Submissions that do not follow blind judging criteria will not be judged.
Writing will be judged according to the following criteria:
Grammar: Proper punctuation, spelling, verb conjugation, etc.Plot Structure: Is there a strong hook to the story? Is the climax satisfying? Is it properly paced?Characterization: Are these characters recognizable as their canon counterparts? Do they feel properly motivated, and are their interactions engaging?Eroticism: How horny does it make readers?Style: Does the writer have a distinct voice? Do they make deliberate decisions to help evoke a feel to their writing?
We plan on having a total of between 7-8 page artists, including guests. This means we will be taking 5-6 artists via applications.
-We are looking for 3 samples of your artwork.
-A portfolio with 5-10 works is optional.
-One sample must be NSFW. One must feature BNHA characters.
-Greyscale samples preferred, but not required.
-Because we are doing blind judging, samples must be submitted as google drive files.
-Artist signature may not be visible in submitted samples. Submit either a version with no artist signature, or with the artist signature censored. The mods will not share or distribute any files submitted for judging. For examples of how to censor the artist signature, go here
-No Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, or other links connected to your public handle.
-Submissions that do not follow blind judging criteria will not be judged.
Art will be judged according to the following criteria:
Design and Composition: Is the art deliberately planned and laid out in such a way that is aesthetic?Craftsmanship: Does the artist know how to use their chosen medium? Is there a level of mastery, and not just specialty brushes layered over each other?Creativity and Characterization: Is the work executed in a manner that is unique to the idea expressed?Eroticism: Is the art framed in such a way that viewers get a clear view of the action, and does it inspire passion?Flair: Does the art have a distinct personality or voice that people would want to see more of?
We plan on having a total of between 2-3 merch artists, including guests. This means we will be taking 2-3 merch artists via applications.
-We are looking for 3 samples of your artwork.
-A portfolio with 5-10 works is optional.
-Designs will be in full color.
-If you have designed merch in the past, or have a certain style you use for merch, samples in that style are preferred
-Because we are doing blind judging, samples must be submitted as google drive files.
-Artist signature may not be visible in submitted samples. Submit either a version with no artist signature, or with the artist signature censored. The mods will not share or distribute any files submitted for judging. For examples of how to censor the artist signature, go here
-No Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, or other links connected to your public handle.
-Submissions that do not follow blind judging criteria will not be judged.
You will be judged on the same criteria as artists, minus the eroticism category (merch will be suggestive to SFW, with no explicit designs).
All participants in this project are expected to abide by the following rules:
All participants must be 18+ at the time of applying to the project. If there is doubt over a contributor’s age, moderators reserve the right to ask for proof of age or remove a contributor from the project.All contributors must join and stay in the zine server. This is so that mods can keep track of contributors and communicate with them should the need arise. Leaving the server early is considered forfeiting participation and/or compensation in the project.Contributions may not be shared outside the zine server without express mod permission. This includes WIPs. Sharing a work before the end of the exclusivity period will result in a loss of compensation.Works created for the zine must be new and original. No plagiarism, art theft, etc.No racism, sexism, slurs, or any words or images which contain hate will be tolerated.No fighting with members and moderators of the project or harassment of any kind will be tolerated. If you have an issue, contact a mod to resolve it. Treat the other participants with respect.Ship hate or discourse will not be permitted. Someone else’s favorite pairing or kink may make you feel icky. If you would like something added to our trigger list, please contact one of the mods. If someone posts something that makes you uncomfortable, mute the chat and contact one of the mods to let them handle it.If you are sharing work that is not your own then you must provide the source.
Banned Content
The following content may not be featured in this project. This is not meant to cast moral judgement or kinkshame any creators of this content, but is based on what we believe customers would be most likely to purchase and thus make profit for our contributors. (Contributors are not penalized for any content they make outside of this project).
Underage (aged up to 18+ is fine)IncestToilet play (piss, scat, etc)Vore/CannibalismExcessive violence/guroNon-con/Dub-conBestiality
A note: so long as all characters are aged up to 18, the mods will not be banning ships or pitches that meet the above criteria, regardless of canon ages. We also will not be banning any specific characters or ships.
Writer Expectations
-Will be expected to create a new, original piece between 2.5-4k words in length that fits the theme of the project
-Must collaborate with an artist that will illustrate their work. This means they must be willing to share WIPs and discuss their ideas with an artist
-Be willing to provide an outline of their story, even if that is not their typical writing process. For the purposes of pairing up artists and workshopping concepts, writers must submit an outline of their story to mods by the first check in.
-Be open to feedback and critique from mods. Since this is a for-profit project, we want to make every effort to deliver a quality project. This will involve betaing and editing.
-Comply with a style guide for the sake of project consistency. This means we will have agreed-upon spellings for character names and terminology, etc.
Artist Expectations
-Will be expected to create art for two stories. Artists will be able to choose whether they want to create spot illustrations, a half page illustration, or a full page illustration for each story they are assigned.
-Mods will make an effort to pair artists with writers according to their preferences, but we cannot guarantee artists will be able to create for specific ships or characters. Flexibility is preferred.
-Be open to feedback and critique from mods. Since this is a for-profit project, we want to make every effort to deliver a quality project. We will work with you to make sure you create a piece you are proud of.
-Illustrations in greyscale, 300 dpi, using templates supplied by mods. For an example of greyscale illustrations, check out this folder.
Merch Artist Expectations
-Merch artists will be asked to design 2-3 pieces of merch, depending on the complexity.
-Designs must use provided templates, 300dpi, using the color specs designated by mods.
-Mods will work with merch artists to make sure there is a balance of ships and characters represented across merch.
-Be open to feedback and critique from mods. Since this is a for-profit project, we want to make every effort to deliver a quality project. We will work with you to make sure you create a piece you are proud of.
No chase policy
In order to make sure contributors are making adequate progress, check-ins are required and not optional. Contributors will be notified when check-ins start in the server. Check-in periods will last three days, during which time contributors must either submit progress that meets the requirements or ask for an extension. Failure to do either by the end of the check in period will result in either being dropped from the project or a 20% decrease in the contributor’s share of profits. We will not be chasing participants for their contributions. If you need an extension, you must ask for one and mods will work with you, but it is the contributor's responsibility to communicate.
Mandatory Preview Policy
Previews are crucial to selling a project and making it profitable. While mods intend to do everything in their power to help promote the zine and make it succeed, we need contributors to work alongside us. Before POs open, contributors will be given either a preview template or a moderator-made preview of their piece. Contributors MUST either share this preview on their social media in line with mod instructions, or coordinate with mods to have the preview shared via the zine account. Failure to do so will result in a 20% decrease in the contributor’s share of profits.